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Sayward Christian Fellowship is part of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren, and adheres to our common statement of faith printed below.

1. God

We believe in the one true God, the source of all life, who rules over all things as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, overflowing in steadfast love. God the Father, the source of all life, sent the Son for the salvation of the world. Jesus Christ the Son proclaimed the reign of God, bringing good news to the poor, and triumphed over sin through his death and resurrection. The Holy Spirit gives people new life, indwells and empowers believers, and assures them of eternal life.

2. Revelation of God

We believe that God has made himself known to all people – first in creation, and then through God’s covenant with Israel. God revealed Himself supremely in Jesus Christ. The Old Testament bears witness to Christ, and Christ is the One whom the New Testament proclaims. The entire Bible was inspired by God. It is the infallible Word of God and the authoritative guide for faith and practice. The Holy Spirit guides the community of faith in the interpretation of Scripture.

3. Creation and Humanity

We believe that God created the heavens and the earth, and they were very good. Humans, the crowning act of creation, were created in the image of God. As a result of sin, people are alienated from God and creation. In Christ, all things are being reconciled and created new. The first signs of this new creation are present in those who accept God’s forgiveness through Christ.

4. Sin and Evil

We believe that, ever since the first humans sinned, all people disobey God and choose to sin, falling short of the Glory of God. Human sinfulness results in physical and spiritual death. Sin is a power that enslaves humanity, and is at work in individuals, groups, and systems. On their own, humans are unable to overcome sin’s power.

5. Salvation

We believe that God is at work to deliver, heal, redeem, and restore. God reconciled the world to Himself by the atoning blood of Jesus. As people place their trust in Christ, they are saved by grace through faith. Through Christ’s obedient life, his death on the cross, and his glorious resurrection, he triumphed over Satan and the powers of sin and death, opening the way for all people to follow.

6. Nature of the Church

We believe that the church is the covenant community called by God through Jesus Christ to follow Christ in a life of discipleship and witness as empowered by the Holy Spirit. The church gathers regularly for worship, fellowship, and accountability. Through the Holy Spirit, God gives gifts to each member for the well-being of the whole body.

7. Mission of the Church

We believe that the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ is for all people. Christ commands the church to make disciples of all nations by calling people to repent, and by baptizing and teaching them to love God and neighbour by telling the good news and by doing acts of love and compassion.

8. Christian Baptism

We believe that baptism by water is a public act of obedience which testifies that God in Christ has forgiven a person from sin, freed them from the power of sin and death, given them the Holy Spirit, and united them with the body of Christ. Baptism is for those who repent and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, pledging to live as Jesus’ disciples in all of life. Through baptism, the local church incorporates followers of Jesus.

9. Lord’s Supper

We believe that in the Lord’s Supper, the church identifies with the life of Christ given for the redemption of humanity and proclaims the Lord’s death until He comes. The supper expresses remembrance, celebration, praise, and the fellowship and unity of all believers.

10. Discipleship

We believe that Jesus calls people who have experienced the new birth to follow him in a life of service to God. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to overcome the acts and attitudes of sin and godlessness. Filled with love and gratitude, disciples delight to obey God in fellowship with other believers.

11. Marriage, Singleness, and Family

We believe that marriage and the family are instituted by God. The church blesses both marriage and singleness, and encourages families to grow in love. Marriage is a covenant relationship intended to unite a man and a woman for life. God designed marriage for companionship, sexual union, and the birth and nurture of children. Children are a gift from God.

12. Society and State

We believe that God instituted the state to promote the well-being of all people. The primary allegiance of all Christians is to Christ’s kingdom. Believers witness against injustice, exercise social responsibility, and obey all laws that do not conflict with the Word of God.

13. Love and Nonresistance

We believe that God in Christ reconciles people to himself and to one another, making peace through the cross. We seek to be agents of reconciliation, to practise love of enemies, and to demonstrate Christ’s love by alleviating suffering, reducing strife, and promoting justice. We believe violence is contrary to the gospel of love and peace. In times of war, we believe we are called to give alternative service.

14. The Sanctity of Human Life

We believe that all human life belongs to God. The Creator and giver of life values human life highly. Abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide are an affront to God’s sovereignty. The unborn, disabled, poor, aging, and dying are particularly vulnerable. In all decisions regarding life and death, we offer hope and healing, support and counsel.

15. Stewardship

We believe that the universe and everything in it belong to God the Creator, who has entrusted people with managing the earth’s resources. All God’s gifts, including money, time, abilities, and influence, are to be received with thanksgiving, used responsibly, and shared generously.

16. The Lord’s Day, Work, and Rest

We believe that God’s act of creation is the model for human work and rest. In work, we use our abilities to glorify God and to serve others. Rest is an act of thankfulness for God’s provision, and of trust in God who sustains us. Believers gather on the Lord’s day to commemorate the resurrection through worship, instruction, fellowship, and service.

17. Christianity and Other Faiths

We believe that the saving grace of God in Jesus is the only means of reconciling people with God. God has not left anyone without a witness to the Creator’s goodness and power. Christians treat people of other faiths with respect, but lovingly and urgently proclaim Christ as the only way of salvation.

18. Christ’s Final Triumph

We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ will return triumphantly at the end of this age to destroy all evil powers, condemn all who have rejected Christ to eternal punishment, and unite God’s children with Christ to reign with God in glory forever.